Resources for staying inspired and motivated during challenging times
Taking a Multi-Disciplinary Collaborative Approach to Educator Preparation: A Case Study Revealed.
The Journal of Education & Social Policy, 8(3), 32-37.
Redesigning educator programs to integrate trauma-informed teaching practices.
The Journal of Education & Social Policy, 7(3), 108-113.
Linking effective professional development and elementary mathematics instruction.
International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(2), 1062-1066.
Preparing teacher candidates using a collaborative residency model.
The Journal of Education & Social Policy, 5(4), 207-212.
Improving communication with today’s digital student.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention,7(5), 9-12.
Incorporating comprehensive organization and management program (COMP) in teacher residency.
Journal of Education and Social Policy, 5(1).
An investigation of teachers’ understanding of the
connection between technology and higher-level questioning.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(10), 22-25.
Interactive student notebooks and higher education: An investigation of pre-service teachers’ comprehension of literacy and assessment.
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 3(6), 2179-2184.
Beneficial Web 2.0 tools to engage learners and maximize learning.
Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), 75-81.
Technology-based instruction: Are pre-service teachers prepared to meet the challenge
American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 5(5), 8-15.
Improving pre-service teachers’ readiness to integrate technology with cross-curricular adaptations.
Journal of Education and Human Development, (4),2.
Educational inequality: A case study of instructional strategies and student engagement.
American International Journal of Social Science, (4),2, 10-19.
Preparing today’s teachers for tomorrow’s classrooms: Pre-Service teachers’ perception of technology implementation.
National Social Sciences Technology Journal, (4),2.
Employing common core standards and reading
strategies to engage and enhance student learning.
Tennessee Association of Middle School Journal, 44-61.
Utilizing author studies to improve literacy.
Tennessee Association of Middle School Journal, 36-43.